Thursday, October 1, 2009

EaRtHQuAke iN M'Sia

Everyone is alive with chatter of earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale that hit off Sumatra at 6.16pm just now.
A tsunami watch has been issued for Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and India.
i feel nothing.. Nothing moved.
The water in the aquarium did not slosh about. The doors did not rattle.
i was driving on the road at that time..
everything seems so normal..
Having myself to stuck in the traffic jam with the busy thinking mind..
everything was just like usual..

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009


looking at friends around me who are real in love with their partners,
being together as a couple for 4 years, 6 years,7 years, and even 9 years..
they have gone through thousand of obstacles together, supporting each other,
giving each other endless kindness, and the most important thing is..
the care that they gave for each other..
to hold a relationship for such a long period..i would said that its really a hard work.
it needs unwavering patience to stay up long and the bond of love.

two different creature by god..
a boy and a girl,
with totally different characters, personalities, interests and background.
they bumped into each other, be a part of each other and a part of their soul.
love is not measurable, it is all incompassing.
it exits by the day to day annoyances and disagreements,
they are days that they make each other crazy and there are things that they annoy the other..
but those things never affect their love for each other.
is it true that the longer you are with someone you love ,
the more comfortable you become and the better you understand that person
so in that way, your relationship become stronger.

do you agree with this talk?
or its somehow the other way round.
the more you go through together, the more history you had and the more experiences you shared,... the more quarrels and disagrees you both will had.

love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. no man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.
to built a long lasting relationship, respect is the most important aspect.
to have a positive thinking rather than disillusionment is how they maintain their relationship.
im in touched and delighted to see those friends with happily long lasting relationship.
this proven that they are able to make themselves to have fun together, without selfishness, without conflicts and without unrealistic expectations.
for friends with long lasting relationship,
be proud of the foundation that u both built, the life-long stage setting,
and the meaningful relatioship u have for the past,

Saturday, August 22, 2009

eXam StreSS

Almost everyone feels nervous before an exam.

Butterflies in the stomach and worrying thoughts -

'Will I be able to answer the questions?' 'Have I done enough revision?' -

are indications of exam nerves that are probably familiar to all students.

In fact, a certain amount of nervous tension probably helps us perform to the best of our ability, producing a rush of adrenaline that helps us to feel alert and focused.

But too much anxiety can BLOCK thoughts, create a negative frame of mind, and lead to panic and potentially poor exam performance.

There are a number of things you can do to help manage exam anxiety and turn uncomfortable, panicky thoughts into more creative tension.

Anxiety management techniques

Thought-stopping technique
When we become anxious we begin to have negative thoughts ('I can't answer anything', 'I'm going to panic' etc). If this is happening, halt the spiralling thoughts by mentally shouting 'STOP!'. Or picture a road STOP sign, or traffic lights on red. Once you have literally stopped the thoughts, you can continue planning, or practise a relaxation technique.

Creating mild pain
Pain effectively overrides all other thoughts and impulses. Even very mild pain - such as lightly pressing your fingernails into your palm - can block feelings of anxiety. Some people find it helpful to place an elastic band around one wrist, and lightly twang it when they are becoming anxious.

Looking out of the window, noticing the number of people with red hair, counting the number of desks in each row... all help to distract your attention from anxious thoughts and keep your mind busy. Mental games such as making words out of another word or title, using alphabetical lists etc are all good forms of distraction.

Bridging objects
It can help to carry or wear something with positive associations with another person or place. Touching this bridging object can be comforting in its own right, then allow yourself a few minutes to think about the person or situation which makes you feel good. This can have a really calming effect.

In exam anxiety or panic we often give ourselves negative messages, 'I can't do this' 'I'm going to fail' 'I'm useless'. Try to consciously replace these with positive, encouraging thoughts: 'This is just anxiety, it can't harm me', 'Relax, concentrate, it's going to be OK', 'I'm getting there, nearly over'.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HapPy BiRthDaY FisH

before i begin.....
i shall turn back the time to 02.08.2009. i can start...

HaPpy BirThDay BrainLess Fish..
Let me explain y i say so...

have you ever see people who being so brainless by making himself stuck in crowd on his big day??
and when u ask him...
he is trying to pujuk himself by saying ' so what, i have thousands of people celebrating my birthday'. haha..funny??

buying himself a birthday present worth RM799..
haha richi man....
wanna know what he bought??

this is the gift that he bought for himself....

he told me that he regretted of buying this camera after 30minutes..
wakaka..really brainless..!!

anyhow...u did enjoyed your birthday in the crowd right??

Thursday, July 16, 2009


sales sales sales..
mad mad mad...
buy buy buy...
laugh laugh laugh....
spend spend spend .....
broke broke broke...
starve starve starve....
slim slim slim...
happy happy happy..!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The WorST BiRthDAy On EArTh

had a great big disappointment on my birthday this year..
i wonder why.. why must i been treated like this..
no one can really understand my feeling on that moments..
its my birthday..
shouldnt i be happy on my day??
shouldnt i be treated like a princess?
y there's no laughters??
and y i cant see any happiness???
all that i had is just sadness.!!
crying for the whole day on your own birth day..
what's the feeling of it..??
i can really felt and understand right now...
one of my friend told me this..:
cecci , dont cry on your birthday...
if you cry on your day, you will be crying for your entire life..
then happiness will gone far from you..
be happy and make yourself smile..
enjoy your birthday as its your day..
the day where your mom, dad, and family cherish most ..
as they have you, the most precious gift from god..
yes.., its my birthday, the day where i'm born..
day where everyone smile happily to have me..
the day where everyone wants me to be happy...
a day where all my friends remember of me...
the day where all of them wishes me...
wishes me to be happy and delight..
but why..
i become the most stupidest gal on earth during my day..
letting tears dropping down my cheek..
no enjoyment, no happiness, no laughters..