i have been awhile since my last update..
and now im back..
i just wanna say
DAYBREAKERS was great!!
should watch
and now im back..
i just wanna say
DAYBREAKERS was great!!
should watch
dOnt cOmPaRe wIth anYonE iN thIs woRld..if u dO so, u Are inSultiNg urSelf.LiFe hAs BeEn a mYstifYinG jOuRneY WiTh eVeRy uPs And dOwns..With TeArs AnD lAuGhterS..With hAte aNd love..WiTh StuPidIty AnD WIsDOM But EvEn In MY JouRnEY oF fRUstRAtioN..I HAvE FoUNd A MeAn OF CeleBRAtioN In mY tOilSoMe eXplOraTioN to my fAitHfuL DeStInaTioN..While WaLkiNg PAinFullY AlonG my PAth..SoMeTimeS i REquESting ProtECtion..SeeKIng FRom AboVe imMuniZatiOn..WhEn hit by oBstAcleS in loCAtioNs..